DIY Puppy Ice Melt

Summer is right around the corner and dogs have it "ruff" while outdoors in the heat. Give them something to cool down and be entertained with at the same time! 
It's easy to do.

Puppy Ice Melt

Dog Toys (rubber is better!)
Plastic tub
High quality H20 (add chicken broth for flavor!- optional)

Add water to the plastic tub to the desired level. 
Stir in chicken broth (optional)
Add Dog toys into the mix
Put in the freezer 
Wait 1 day
Take outside and enjoy!

Our boy loved the ice block so much- he was shivering and wouldn't quit licking! We eventually broke it apart and he was able to play around with his favorite toys and stay hydrated! We think we'll continue to do this in the small dog parks around the apartment complex this summer. Last year, Central Texas was over 100 degrees everyday from May-July, so this will be a nice treat for our hot dog & his friends.

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