
This week has been filled with unexpected occurrences. I mean, we are moving. Nothing can ever go right the first time or be easy. Which is the reason I haven't been updating as frequent as I would like. First of all, we are moving. Which does leave room for error at anytime. Our first hiccup so happened to be one of our laundry room duo, the washer. She all the sudden stopped spinning our clothes, and I (not we - because A doesn't do laundry) I have to ring out all the water soaked in the pants and shirts before they are tossed around in the dryer for the next 3 hours. 
All I can say is that laundry has been a bitch and taking over my life. 

Then we had another large crater. Our Internet and cable had been cut off since Wednesday with no explanation. We missed out on the LIVE NFL Draft for RGIII (even though everyone knew he would go to Washington) and you can laugh all you want, but I have actually been watching American Idol this season and this past week they performed QUEEN covers and I was so ticked that I missed out. 
On top of that, I had no Internet for work, and had to work from A's library of geologists from his work

The nice thing about it was we did get to go out and rent The Sitter and it was hilarious. The movie was also sweet and had a nice message to it too. Afterwards we talked about the future and Dallas so that was nice too. Since there was nothing else to watch or do.
 I like our talks, they are entertaining. :)

So this is it - we are moving in less than 3 days and I won't have time to report again until May 2 from D-city, D-town? I will get this. Hopefully everything comes together for the move. We are unsure that we have a UHaul due to the incompetent staff. Seriously, we call over a week ago to reserve this 20 footer and have had no one confirm or know that we did this. It's real iffy that we may have one come Sunday.

See ya from Dallas!

Indian Food and Fro Yo

Tonight was the first night that I ever ate Indian food. Since I was raised in Texas, I grew up eating Mexican or Bar-B-Q. There were no Indian restaurants. I can't even picture one in my mind. So when Alex told me we were going out for Indian, he told me it was a blend of Tex-Mex and Chinese. 
So we got in the car. 

This here is Naan. It was very good. They best way to describe it is like eating pita bread. The goo on my dish actually tasted really good, like a cranberry flavored BBQ sauce.

Our waitress was helpful with selecting our plates for the evening. I was in the mood to try something new, so she recommended lamb. I sampled lamb at a Greek-Lebanese place once before and it was very tasty.

So take a guess at what this is.

I had never seen food come up to me like this before. I normally play it safe with quessadillas or chicken. This monster arrived steaming like crazy and smelled so fresh. The Lamb was amazing.

After dinner, we drove around to find dessert and found Fro-Yo. I've been in several of these before, but this one had a wall dedicated to "Recipes" to build the perfect cup of frozen yogurt. 
I thought it was neat!

I was going to find one that I wanted to try but Alex already started making his and said:

Mine's melting. 

So I had to do my own thing. 


The Layout

For the past week, Alex has been walking about the house with measuring tape and doodles for our new apartment in Dallas. This my friends, has been hilarious. We have only been to the apartment once. All we have to go by is a complimentary "here's your layout" sheet of paper from our leasing office
(with no dimensions I might add). 

But I can't say that I'm not excited to decorate the new place. So I've been window-shopping online and found some, what I think are pretty darn nifty, additions to our new home. We really don't need too much though. Plus we are on a budget. Alex wants a new rug and we're second guessing the table we have right now. (for size)

Most of these are IKEA since the Frisco IKEA store is literally 5 minutes from where we are. We can't wait to go there!

Right now we are thinking of painting the table we buy since it doesn't match any of our furniture right now. As for the rug, we are planning on gray, grey? because we have grey on our walls right now and love how the color plays with our couches. 
If you have any suggestions, we are open to them!

Chips and Polish

Not a pretty picture, huh?

Recently I found a book that I bought almost six years ago called "How To Be A Lady". It's bright magenta cover caught my eye in one of the moving boxes and I thought to myself "Why did I buy this" and while I flipped through several pages, I found out that I've been breaking some lady-like rules. 

This being one of them: Chipped Nail Polish. And then there's more on nail etiquette.

"If a lady chooses to wear nail polish, she makes sure it is not chipped."

"A lady never paints her nails in public."

"A lady gets a pedicure in preparation for the warm weather months."

I'm sure that I have broken all these rules at one time or another. However, they do make sense. In response to this contemporary guide to common courtesy, I went with a polish idea that I saw in Pinterest and have to say, it's pretty out there.
I call it...

Tip of the Iceberg

All you do is paint the darkest polish onto your pretty little nails first. After it has time to dry, take the glitter polish and do a sweep across each nail along the tips. As that dries, brush the glitter polish toward the base of the nail for an "ombre" effect with the glitter. Once your done, complete the manicure with a clear coat! 

Pack Your Bags

Do you like our garage fort?  

We are at the stage where we can pack the non-essentials in the kitchen. The pans are packed, the wooden spoons are crammed in a bread box within a box, now it's time to properly place our nice pearl plates and pray they don't crack or break. I wasn't sure how I was going to protect them. We don't receive the local newspaper, however, I'm still one of those people that reads fashion magazines religiously. And they stack up over time. Today, I found a great use for them as packing stuffers. 
They are perfect!

Here is another tip. 
Each time we move, we are left with a huge mess all over the floor. 
So this time around, I thought ahead and packed a garbage bag right inside the box so we can unpack and clean at the same time.

It's so simple. Make life easier (and cleaner!) by taking this step while packing
- you will be happy you did!

DIY Puppy Ice Melt

Summer is right around the corner and dogs have it "ruff" while outdoors in the heat. Give them something to cool down and be entertained with at the same time! 
It's easy to do.

Puppy Ice Melt

Dog Toys (rubber is better!)
Plastic tub
High quality H20 (add chicken broth for flavor!- optional)

Add water to the plastic tub to the desired level. 
Stir in chicken broth (optional)
Add Dog toys into the mix
Put in the freezer 
Wait 1 day
Take outside and enjoy!

Our boy loved the ice block so much- he was shivering and wouldn't quit licking! We eventually broke it apart and he was able to play around with his favorite toys and stay hydrated! We think we'll continue to do this in the small dog parks around the apartment complex this summer. Last year, Central Texas was over 100 degrees everyday from May-July, so this will be a nice treat for our hot dog & his friends.

Jack Chi Bliss

Today we uncovered what our little orphan pup is! We've had him for almost 9 months and none of the vets in town knew what breed to claim him as. They had their suspicions that he could be a rat terrier, or jack russell, only, he is so relaxed and doesn't bark at everything that moves. Well, now we know. He's part Jack Russell and part Chihuahua- a Jack Chi! We just always thought he was too large to be a chihuahua, but oh well! Just look at his ears!

Our boy, Brees, named after Drew Brees, is what we call the "Louisiana Swamp Dog". We found him in our neighborhood, wandering the streets back in August, and once I said "Hey honey!", that pup ran straight to me and never looked back. He's our little miracle. Just 2 months after he joined us, we lost our 3-year-old Jack Russell, Sadie. Her loss was very unexpected and heartbreaking, but we were glad to introduce her to a "friend" before she passed on. We miss you, Sadie!

Lost and Found

It's difficult to start your day when you know you have lost a perfectly good earring. You know the feeling. You're ready to go out and conquer errands when all the sudden, you pull your hair back and forth and discover the missing culprit to your wardrobe. There is no telling what happened. 

Instead of searching through the wreckage of packing, I went to Pinterest and imagine what earrings I should buy now instead of playing hide and seek with the one I lost. But look how pretty!

They look similar to the one I lost. And they would be perfect for Date Night! My husband and I go out for a nice dinner where we dress up all fancy-like and have a good time once a week. I really look forward to these in Dallas. Where we are living, there are plenty of places to celebrate and enjoy ourselves.

Now to start my day for reals. I hope May 1st comes quick, I'm sick of packing and dealing with these occurrences that force me to deal on Pinterest. Good day to you all!

Moving on Up

So my life at the moment is filled in boxes. I'm moving with my wonderful husband, Alex, to Dallas. We couldn't be more thrilled with the move. Currently, we live in Lafayette, La which is three hours away from Houston and six from Dallas. Being a Texas girl, I guess you can say I'm ecstatic to move back. But enough about me.

I want to dedicate this blog to what lies ahead, share our adventures, and celebrate what Dallas has to offer us. As we move into the summer, my hope is to build this blog into a hobby. I love baking cupcakes, traveling and sharing what life brings to us. So I hope you enjoy our Married Life Thus Far.